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  /  News

Summer 2023

The CFG is a not-for-profit group focussed on providing funding to foster and recognize excellence in geotechnical engineering.

Fall, 2023

The CFG will be participating in the GeoSaskatoon Conference in a number of ways. The CFG AGM will be held during the conference and is open to anyone interested. The time and location will be updated as soon as possible.

March, 2023 

The Canadian Foundation for Geotechnique is seeking nominations for the graduate scholarships administered by the Foundation. The Bozozuk and Becker awards provide $5000 in funding to graduate students who have demonstrated excellence in their research work.

October, 2022

The 2022 RF Legget award was given to Dr. Robert Chapuis of Polytechnique, Montreal. An article about the award, including comments from Dr. Chapuis can be found at:

September, 2021 

Dr. Doug van Dine, past President of the CGS and a Geological Engineering consultant based in Victoria BC was awarded the 2021 RF Legget award at the GeoNiagara conference.

September 2020 

At the GeoVirtual conference, the Legget Medal was bestowed on Dr. Wayne Clifton, President of Clifton and Associates. Although the conference was not held in person, the awards ceremony was broadcast to honour those receiving awards recognizing excellence.