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  /  Awards


Awards & lectures that are currently sponsored by Canadian Foundation for Geotechnique


Established in 1970, this is the most senior and prestigious award of the Canadian Geotechnical Society. It is presented annually at the Canadian Geotechnical Conference. The award is the R.F. Legget Medal and a framed certificate.


The Cross Canada Lecture Tour was formalized in 1971. Prominent national and international Geotechnical engineers and scientists are selected to give lectures to Geotechnical engineers and students across Canada. Whenever possible, two tours are organized each year. The Canadian Geotechnical Society selects the speaker and prepares the itinerary, and sponsors donate to the Foundation to provides travel funds. Local Sections of the Canadian Geotechnical Society are responsible for the speaker’s accommodation costs and an honorarium to cover local expenses while visiting their city.

Winners of the following awards are selected by the various technical divisions of the Society. The awards consist in most cases of a framed certificate.


The Canadian Geotechnical Colloquium, established in 1977, is awarded annually to a “younger” member to provide information on a selected topic of particular importance to the geotechnical community. The topic and the winner are selected by the Geotechnical Research Board. The Colloquium is presented at the Canadian Geotechnical Society Annual Conference and must be suitable for publication in the Canadian Geotechnical Journal. The Canadian Geotechnical Society awards a framed certificate and the Foundation provides an honorarium. Valued at $ 5,000. The Canadian Foundation for Geotechnique and the Canadian Geotechnical Society also co-sponsor a lecture tour for the Colloquium winner.


The CFG National Graduate Scholarship is awarded annually to a graduate student registered in a program directly related to an identified field of geotechnique. The student must have a high academic standing and show activities or leadership in the Canadian geotechnical community. The nominations are submitted by the graduate student’s supervisor, and the awardee is selected by the Canadian Geotechnical Society Awards Committee. The scholarship is valued at $ 5,000.


The CFG Dennis Becker Award is presented annually to a Master’s degree candidate or recent graduate (within the last 12 months at the time of nomination) registered in a program directly related to an identified field of geotechnique. The award is granted primarily based on academic excellence, the purpose and relevance of the research project to the practice of geotechnique, and the quality of the research summary.  Students who have displayed activity in volunteer or leadership roles in geotechnique will receive special consideration.  The nominations are submitted by the graduate student with an attached letter of support by their research supervisor, and the awardee is selected by the Canadian Geotechnical Society Awards Committee. The scholarship was initiated in 2019 in recognition of Dr. Becker’s significant and valuable contributions to the Society and to the Geotechnical profession and is valued at $ 5,000.


Established in 1988 as the Graduate Student Paper Award. In 2002 the CGS revised this award to encourage geo-engineering or geoscience graduate students at Canadian Universities to make formal technical presentations to peer and professional audiences. The award is assessed on the basis of a videotaped presentation, followed by a question-and-answer session, before a live technical audience.

The first place winner receives a certificate, a one-year membership in the CGS, free registration at the national conference with the opportunity to present a paper give their presentation in a plenary session at the national conference, and an honorarium from the CFG. The second place winner receives a certificate, a one-year membership in CGS, free registration at the national conference, and an honorarium from the CFG.


This award was established in 1987 to reward excellence in the preparation of an undergraduate geotechnical thesis by a full-time undergraduate student at an accredited Canadian university. In 2002 this award was changed to the Undergraduate Report Award (Individual Submission) and (Group Submission) to foster individual and teamwork skills in solving open-ended geotechnical design problems and in preparing formal technical reports.

In both undergraduate awards, the prize for first and second place includes a certificate, one-year free membership in the CGS, free registration at the national conference and an honorarium from the CFG.

A description of all honours and awards given by the CGS are listed here: