Summer 2023
The CFG is a not-for-profit group focussed on providing funding to foster and recognize excellence in geotechnical engineering.
Fall, 2023
The CFG will be participating in the GeoSaskatoon Conference in a number of ways. The CFG AGM will be held during the conference and is open to anyone interested. The time and location will be updated as soon as possible.
April 2020
The Canadian Foundation for Geotechnique notes the passing of Michael Bozozuk who was instrumental in the development of the Canadian Foundation for Geotechnique (CFG) and its predecessor Geo-Contributions and its mandate to fund and support its activities.
October 2019
In recognition of Dr. Becker’s contributions to the geotechnical community, a prize for a Masters level student has been set up. The prize has a value of $ 5,000 and was awarded in 2019.
September 2018
In Edmonton, during the last week of September, a total of $ 14,300 worth of prizes were awarded and the R.F.Legget award was presented to Michel Aubertin at the annual Canadian Geotechnical Society conference. The awards are funded by the Foundation.
June 2017
Charles Kwok became a legacy donor in June 2017. We thank Charles for his generous donation of securities to the CFG-FCG.
Fall 2021
In 1983, Robert Legget, who is considered one of the Fathers of Canadian Geotechnique, wrote a draft personal memoir as part of the Canadian Geotechnical Heritage Project.